Palagione in the heart of Tuscany

Villa Palagione and the mountain "Monte Voltraio",
in the background Volterra
Palagione and the historical Monte Voltraio
Villa Palagione is located seven kilometres east of
the 3000 year-old cultural centre of Volterra, on the southern
slope of it's historical mountain "Monte Voltraio". Here the impregnable
fortress "Kastell Monte Voltraio" as well as a densely populated
village, located below the peak, were once located. First mentioned
in 967 A.D., on the event of the visit of the Emperor Otto the
Great, this commune was at it's zenith in the 12th /13th centuries
and was once an independent township. In the following centuries,
however, it was completely destroyed by innumerable military power
struggles. Numerous archaeological findings, remains of walls,
pillars and capitals still present today give an idea of the dimensions
and importance of this place.

Fresco in Villa Palagione, View of "Kastell Mounte Voltraio"
Villa Palagione built 400 years ago for luxurious living in exquisite
recorded history of Villa Palagione starts 400 years ago, in 1598,
at the height of the Florentine dynasty of the Medici family.
A plaque names the original owner as Girolamo Minucci. He was
a knight and cupbearer of various Medici Grand Dukes of Tuscany.
Over the centuries the Minucci family represented the interests
of the Medici in this region. The area's vast mineral resources
were the source of great wealth and power, but also the cause
of numerous power struggles. Since the times of Girolamo the appearance
of the estate has changed several times over the centuries, bowing
to the tastes of past generations and the dictates of fashion
trends. The villa has numerous large rooms and halls. The "Lords
and Ladies" lived on the central floor, or "Bel-Etage", where
today you can still find the most beautiful murals and frescoes.
Palagione filled
with new life
Today Villa Palagione has evolved into an internationally renowned centre
of culture and study, a place of encounters, learning, enjoyment and
We offer accommodation for up to 65 guests, seminar and conference rooms,
as well as beautiful gardens and a pool for recreation and relaxation.
Our in-house Tuscan cuisine varies according to the seasons and
includes a breakfast buffet, and a midday or evening meal (a set
meal with several courses) featuring regional specialties.
With our international culture and study centre we experiment
new ways of getting to know one other, as well as looking at foreign
ways of life and mentalities.
One of our primary objectives is to encourage multicultural encounters
that allow for a greater understanding between people from different
We regularly host international artistic events as well as renown
exhibitions on topics of European history, such as the influence
of the Emperor Otto I on European history (,
or the history of the Longobards in Italy.
Villa Palagione is also involved in various European exchange
programs as a registered association and is also a member of the
"EBZ - European Centres for Culture and Communication Association".

Villa Palagione you can
* take a holiday that is a perfect combination between relaxation
and learning
* take part in courses such as: Italian language, cultural treasures
of Tuscany, painting, alabaster, music, singing, walking, riding,
Tuscan cuisine...
* simply enjoy your holiday and join in the activities on offer
* come as a group, attend a conference or organise a seminar
* let yourself be pampered with regional culinary specialties
* meet friendly, interesting people and relax in a warm, sophisticated
and sociable environment